Megan Johnson - Celebrity Casting
Red Nine Talent is a celebrity booking and niche casting company founded by Megan Johnson based in West Hollywood, California. With over a decade in the business, Red Nine handles everything from big network shows, to cable docu-series, to digital projects, and celebrity branded endorsements. RNT works with all major networks and production companies and can handle all of your booking/casting needs.

"Megan has what it takes to get the job done - the relationships, the tenacity and the people skills. She’s passionate about what she does and very easy to work with."
- Ray Giuliani, Executive Producer Hello Ross

I’ve always had an intense love for television. As a child, a big part of my life revolved around my favorite characters and storylines. Long before VCR’s came out, I recorded my favorite shows on cassette tapes. I listened to them over and over again until I knew the dialogue word for word. And now, after more than a decade in the business, my passion has only grown.
Because of my farm girl roots, I treat all of my clients and talent as if they’re coming over for a home cooked meal. Every detail is important to me. I’m a tenacious problem solver with a genuine love of people. I thrive on solving creative and logistical problems in high pressure situations.
More than anything, I love finding the right fit for the right project.

"Working with Megan is a real pleasure. She and her team have a terrific work ethic, they’re talented, fearless, and get the job done!”
Michael Binkow - Executive Producer, Hollywood Game Night